EditPad Pro – a Powerful Comprehensive Text Editor
EditPad Pro is a strong and comprehensive text editor for Windows users which has all features anyone expects from a text editor. It is really something much more than a text editor and you can edit most types of files using it.
Although having so many possibilities, options and features, one of the main focuses of EditPad Pro is offering a user-friendly and convenient environment for editing documents.
Despite the fact that there are many other text editing tools that have a lot of features, EditPad Pro offers all features you will need from a text editor in a simple-to-use way and this is the main difference between EditPad Pro and other word processors. This advantage helps you to concentrate on your main goal which is editing files rather than learning difficulties of working with other editors.

EditPad Pro lets you edit multiple files at the same time by opening each file in a separate tab and without any limitation on the number of files you can open simultaneously.
You can switch to any of the documents easily by clicking on the tab and while switching you do not need to find the position you were editing, EditPad Pro automatically shows the last position you were editing.
EditPad Pro supports editing various types of documents. You can almost edit any type of documents using it. Some of the supported document types are as below:
ASP & ASP.NET Batch Files, Binary Files, C & C++ Sources, C# Source, Code CSS Style Sheets, Delphi & Pascal Eiffel Source Code, HTML Web Pages, INI Files, Java Source Code, JavaScript & JSON Pert Scripts, PHP Scripts, PowerShell Python Scripts, R Source Code, RSS Feeds, Ruby Scripts, SQL Queries, Text Files, VBScript, Visual Basic XML Files and etc.
As mistyping is common while editing text files, EditPad Pro has a built-in spell checker to correct your mistyped words automatically and fortunately the spell checker is available in more than 20 languages. You can download the spell check dictionaries from the official website.
The search and replace feature of EditPad Pro is one of the most complete among all other competitors. Using EditPad Pro you can search and replace in the whole document or in the rectangular area you have selected.
Getting benefit from Macros, you can record a task which is repetitive and tedious and play it on any file you would like to reduce the amount of manual work greatly. The macros can be saved and loaded for further usage.
With EditPad Pro’s File Navigator you have a complete overview of the file you are editing in a collapsible tree in addition to being able to fold some parts of the file by making them hidden to prevent confusion and return them back to show whenever you’d like.

You can even use EditPad Pro to work with your files located on your web server! Usually when you want to edit a file on your server, you need to download that file at first and after editing that, reupload that file on your server; but using EditPad Pro you can edit the files on your server from your local computer instantly.
Another great advantage of EditPad Pro is handling the revisions of files. Normally you need to copy the file in multiple locations on your hard disk to be able to restore it to the latest well-working position in case of inappropriate changes but in EditPad Pro you can set the number of backup copies and then the program saves the state of file for that number and you can restore or compare backups with the latest editions.
EditPad Pro supports an unlimited number of undo’s and redo’s. So you can bring back all changes you have made to the file without any limitations.
When you compare two files using EditPad Pro, you will get differences highlighted and then you can merge the two files or only extract the differences or similarities of the two files into a separate file.
EditPad Pro has a great feature for removing duplicate lines of your lists. It sorts your list alphabetically and helps you find and remove the duplicated lines easily.
While writing or editing a document, you can have accurate statistics of the number of paragraphs, words and letters you have written already.
Most text editors don’t have special characters and you will need a third-party software to insert them into your file but EditPad Pro has a character map that helps you insert special symbols (like trademark, copyright etc.) into your documents.
EditPad Pro has a highly customizable syntax highlighter and you can change the color of it anyhow you would like. EditPad Pro has a lot of syntax coloring schemes like:
6502/6510 Assembly for Tass64, ABAQUS, ActionScript 2, Active Server Pages, Ada 2012 (v. 1.0), Ampersand Log files, Ampersand scripts/source files, Anki Flashcards (FAST) [optimal with MishMash colo, ANSYS, ANTLR4, Apache Config File, Apache2 Config File, APL, APT, ASM 68k, ASN.1, ASP.NET C#, ASP.NET Delphi, ASP.NET VB, Assembler, ATASCII, AutoCAD LT Diesel Menu Functions, AutoDesk Eagle ULP, Autohotkey, AutoHotkey for MishMash color palette, AutoIt3_3_14, AutoLISP, AWK, Bash files and etc.
To see the full list of available syntax coloring, go to the official page.