Zoom Player – a Powerful and Stylish Media Player
There are so many media player software available for different operating systems but usually most users prefer to use one player as their default media player and they customize it based on their needs and use it as a default player for their multimedia files.
Although there are hundreds of free and paid media players available, only some of them are popular and worth trying; the rest of them either have issues, don’t come with a beautiful interface or are beautiful but heavy and need a lot of system resources which is not preferred.
One of the best media player options is Zoom Player which fulfills all the expectations you have of a media player while it is beautiful and lightweight and performs very fast on all computers.
Zoom Player is designed professionally and you immediately feel it after installing it. At the end of installation, you will have the option of installing codec packs from many developers. This will make you independent from looking for codecs and installing them.
After successful installation you will be asked to choose the environment you want to use Zoom Player in and by choosing that it will configure the media player with the best settings suited for that environment. You can choose one of the following options: PC (desktop and laptops), HTPC (Home Theater PC) and Tablet ( Touch Screens).

The settings menu of Zoom Player has two different modes for both beginner and advanced users. Both of the modes are really detailed and allow you to customize and change the smallest details of the media player software. These derailed-based settings are user-friendly and categorized in an easy-to-use environment.
Zoom player has so many designed skins for every taste and you can surely find at least one skin that satisfies you. To download and access skins, you can go to the skin’s page at the official website.
Although Zoom Player has many skins to choose from, you can still change the interface of the layer: regular skin, small buttons skins, minimalist skin and etc. It has an audio equalizer that allows you to change different frequency profiles or use one of the preset profiles as: Classical, club, dance, full dance, full Treble, party, pop, rock and etc.
There are so many options you can select from to customize the interface and functions of Zoom player and you also have full control over the keyboard’s shortcuts. You will have full control over all functions of keyboard and mouse in Zoom Player.
For instance, some of the options you have for customizing the interface of Zoom Player are as below:
- Invert text file view (black text, white background)
- Show, Hide, detach control bar or disable it on certain events
- In addition to defining hotkeys, there is a certain page for customizing the most used navigation keys as: Enter, space, left and right and up/down
- Play, pause, move window and so many other options for left click
- Zoom on/out, maximize, full screen and other options for double click
- Center user interface on initial load, loading new media, when exiting full screen etc.
- Prevent mouse on certain events while playing a video
- Select to enable/disable keeping the main interface of Zoom Player at top of other applications
File format association is a bit difficult in Windows 11 but Zoom Player can do that for you with no need to exit the media player’s interface.

Many users like to change the characteristics like, saturation, brightness and contrast of media files while they are watching them. One of the best features of Zoom Player for changing the properties of video files easily is using premade shortcuts with + and – keys that enable you to increase or decrease any of the mentioned properties easily.
Zoom Player supports all formats of video and audio files. Some of the supported video and audio files are:
Zoom Player has a powerful library for managing all media files located on your computer effectively. You just need to create a category and add a media folder or files to it. You can protect your library using available options too.
The features of Zoom player media player are unlimited and the only way to know them is to install and try them for yourself. You will not be disappointed with this media player.
As you already know, most of the media player software is free-to-use and you don’t need to pay anything for using them, but Zoom player is a paid media player. It obviously has some reasons. The features you will get from Zoom player are more than any of the other free media player tools.
You can use Zoom Player with all features for 30 days freely and decide to purchase it after that. It is highly suggested to install and see the features of this polished, beautiful and powerful media player for yourself.
You can reach the official website with your questions, requests, suggestions and tutorials about Zoom player on their official website here.