Yamicsoft – an Effective Windows 11 Manager
Windows 11 is the latest version of Windows from Microsoft which was released on October, 5th, 2021 and it is available in 110 languages. Since then it has attracted so many users; many users even with old hardware would like to install and try it.
Windows 11 has so many new features both looking-wise and functionality-wise. To mention some of the new features of Windows 11, we could say:
- New Start Menu
- Task View and virtual desktops
- Snap Layouts
- Quick settings and notifications
- Better Handling Windows 11 Updates
- New Action Center
- Universal Media control
- New File Explorer
- Support Android Apps
- Windows 11 Widgets
Some new features are added to Windows 11 compared to previous versions like Windows 10. Although there are so many new features in Windows 11, many users don’t like some parts of it and want to customize it based on their own interest.
It is not easy to customize Windows 11 for most users and you need to have a deep understanding about what you are doing; otherwise you end up having a broken Windows. For instance, if you do something wrong with your Windows, it is possible to face the blue screen on death, which is one of the most common issues of Windows.
Considering the mentioned issues about managing and customizing Windows 11, many users still need to have better control over their Windows by customizing and managing it. One of the best solutions is using a safe Windows manager application that is written carefully to manage Windows safely without facing any later issues.
There are some Windows 11 manager software and each of them have their own advantages; one of the best, well-known applications to use for customizing and managing Windows 11 is Yamicsoft Windows 11 Manager.
One of the best features of Yamicsoft Windows 11 Manager that makes it a trusted safe choice is the history of the developer.
Yamicsoft team has developed so many Windows manager programs since Windows XP so they are experts in Windows operating systems and know what they are doing. They have developed Windows XP Manager, Vista Manager, Windows 7 Manager, Windows 8 Manager, Windows 10 Manager and their final product is Windows 11 Manager.
Windows 11 manager from YamicSoft is a user-friendly program to manage , customize, and optimize Windows for the best performance and functionality and fixes probable issues of it. It includes so many tools for each important part of Windows 11 that lets users get the most from their Windows OS.

You can download Yamicsoft Windows 11 Manager from the official website and use the trail version of it for a limited time and then purchase it.
Closer Look at Yamicsoft Windows 11 Manager
Yamicsoft Windows 11 Manager has a simple to use interface with obvious menus and options. The options consist of the 7 main items and each of them has several tools and functions on them. The main tools are: Information, Optimizer, Cleaner, Customization, Security, Network and Misc. , and Utilities.
Now we are going to review each of the tools in detail.
It is one of the most useful sections of Yamicsoft Windows 11 Manager. The available tools at this section are as below:
- System Restore: In this section you can create and manage system restore point, Restore the system to the previous well-working state and Use Windows Recovery option.
- System Information: It provides detailed information about each and every piece of your hardware.
- Hardware Monitor: It has details like current usage and maximum used resources of Motherboard, CPU, HDD and RAM
- Process Manager: It gives you detailed information about all running processes and lets you change their priority, suspend or kill them.
- Repair Center: This section has so many different options and tools to help you diagnose and repair different system issues. For example, it can verify all protected system files with their original version and replace them in case of mismatch, fix system components like taskbar, auto update, unlock system when you are unable to login to safe mode, execute .reg file, use registry editor etc, assign new file associations, repair the context menu, re-register all Windows apps or only built-in Windows app if they are not working correctly and so many other features.
- 1-Click Cleaner: It’s a fast solution to: Clean privacy history and defrag registry.
- Optimization Wizard: It includes so many tools built-in one place to optimize your system totally.
This section uses possible tools to optimize your system for faster running and booting speeds. The main parts are:
- System Speed: It contains different options as: increasing paged memory usage, disabling search indexer, disabling automatic maintenance, turning off Windows fast startup, disabling prefectecher for accelerating Windows startup, options to change waiting time for shutting down the Windows and so many other options to select from.
- Boot Configuration: It contains information about your boot menu options. You can also change the partition for booting and set up a new value for boot menu timeout.
- StartUp Manager: It gives you the ability to disable or enable any of the applications installed on your system for starting up.
- Service Manager: It is a useful tool for managing and optimizing both services from Microsoft and Non-Microsoft.
- Scheduled Task Manager: The right tool to manage scheduled tasks and make new ones if you would like.
You need to benefit from the tools under this menu for having a better Windows. The tools are:
- Disk analyzer
- Smart Uninstaller: It is an uninstaller tool to run a full uninstall for installed applications.
- Desktop Cleaner: To move unused files, folder or shortcuts to a specific folder to make your desktop look cleaner.
- Duplicate File Finder: A useful tool to find and remove duplicate files on your computer
- Registry Defrag
- Component Store Cleaner: It is being used to securely clean up WinSxS folder
- Windows Apps Uninstaller: As we all know, it is not easy to get rid of Windows 11 pre-built applications and services. This tool helps you to uninstall bloatware from Windows 11.
- Junk File Cleaner: To identify and remove junk files from your PC.
- Registry Cleaner: Installing any programs adds some entries to registry and makes it bigger and bigger and it leads to lower Windows Speed. Using this tool you can delete outdated, invalid registry entries to speed it up.
The possible tweaks in this section are as below:
- Custom System: You can restore classic context menu, change menu show delay, disable thumbnails preview, remove Uninstall from context menu or add Run as different user to it and options to change desktop and taskbar items and settings.
- Context Menu Manager: A comprehensive context menu manager that enables you to have a complete control over the smallest details.
- Visual Customizer: There are many options to change: System settings, font and size, system icon, file type icon, colorize folders, theme changer and etc.
- Hotkey Manager: It gives you full control over the global keyboard shortcuts.
- File Explorer Tweaker
- JumpList Quick Launcher: To create quick startup items for JumpList
- Win + X Menu Editor
- ShortCut Creator
A set of tools to enhance the security of your system. The tools can be expressed briefly as:
- System Security: Various options to prevent, disable or enable system security settings and User Account control (UAC).
- Settings Security: To tweak settings and improve security of your system.
- Privacy Protector: Different possibilities to clean traces of browsers, executed programs, documents history, Windows prefetch and etc.
- Device Manager
- File Undelete: It runs a scan over your hard disk and helps you recover deleted files of NTFS drives on your PC.
- Files and Folders Security: A tool to set passwords of important files and folders.
- Security Lock: A tool to lock sensitive programs, files or folders on your computer from unauthorized access.
- Device Security: It is a useful tool to hide or restrict access to some or all of your hard disk drives.
It contains tools to optimize your internet connection. The tools are:
- System Network: To optimize network and internet connection.
- IP Switcher
- Network Tools: Trace Route, whois, DNs lookup, IP scanner and Port scan are the available tools.
- URL Manager
- WiFi Manager
- Network Monitor
Misc. Utilities
It includes several tools that could not be categorized on other parts and are some utilities to: Create scheduled tasks, split files, super copy tool to copy and backup files and some registry tools.
Yamicsoft Windows 11 Manager is a complete tool for managing Windows 11. It gives many options to the users to have better control over their Windows and manage it in a better, simpler way.
Yamicsoft Windows 11 Manager can be purchased for full unlimited use for $29.95 through the official website. If you have further questions, you can reach them at the official website.